5 Signs You’re Ready to Get Engaged

By  Tommy Peske
Updated on 01/03/24
5 Signs You’re Ready to Get Engaged

5 Signs You’re Ready to Get Engaged

By  Tommy Peske
Updated on 01/03/24

Part of the Engagement

5 Signs You’re Ready to Get Engaged

By  Tommy Peske
Updated on 01/03/24

Proposing with Engagement Ring
If you’re in a long-term relationship, you may wonder if you’re ready to take the next step and get engaged. A happy marriage can be truly amazing, but it’s a big deal and not something to be taken lightly. 

If you’re wondering if you’re ready for married life, your answer to these five questions can help you determine if it’s the right time to propose.

5 signs you're ready to get engaged

You See Yourself with This Person in the Future 

When you think about your future, do you see your partner in it? 

First, consider how well you communicate with each other. If you find that you’re constantly arguing or disagreeing, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to build a long-lasting relationship. However, if you’re able to have calm and respectful conversations, even when you don’t see eye-to-eye, it’s a good sign that you’re compatible. 

Another critical factor is how much effort you are willing to put into the relationship. If one person constantly puts in all the work while the other seems uninterested or unengaged, it’s not a good sign for the future. 

Finally, consider how compatible your long-term goals are. If you’re looking for different things out of life, it’s unlikely that your relationship will be able to stand the test of time. However, if you’re both on the same page about future plans, it’s a good indication that you’ll be able to build a future together.

You are Ready and Willing to Compromise 

In any relationship, there will be disagreements. To make a marriage work, you’ll need to be willing to compromise with your partner and have strong communication for the greater good of the relationship. 

Marriage means learning to share your space and time, thoughts and feelings, and goals and values with another person. Sometimes we must suppress parts of our personality to maintain peace in the relationship. We might start to dress or speak differently, change our hobbies or interests, or even begin to think differently. 

All these changes can make us feel like we’re losing our sense of self. It’s important to remember that relationships are giving and taking. While we might have to sacrifice some aspects of our individuality, we also gain much from being in a loving, supportive partnership. 

Any marriage is going to involve some level of compromise. After all, two people can’t always agree on everything. However, there are some areas where it’s crucial to be willing to compromise. 

For example, you might need to compromise on how you spend your free time. If your partner wants to watch television while you prefer to read, maybe you can compromise by watching one show together before reading for a while. Or perhaps you decide to take turns choosing what to do each night. 

Another area where compromise is often necessary is in financial decision-making. If one spouse likes to save money while the other has spending habits, you’ll need to find a middle ground that both of you can live with. Ultimately, the key to compromising successfully is to be willing to listen to your partner and to consider their needs as well as your own.

You Handle Financial Responsibility

Couple sitting

When two people get married, they’re not just committing to spending their lives together but also entering into a financial partnership. 

In most cases, partners will share their financial responsibilities equally. Both members of the couple will contribute to the household income and help with expenses like bills, groceries, and any debt repayments. 

Of course, there will be some couples who choose to take on different roles when it comes to their finances. For example, one person may stay home to care for the children while the other works. Or, one partner may make a higher income than the other and contribute a greater percentage to the household expenses. 

If you’re not careful, financial disagreements can lead to serious problems in a marriage; therefore, it’s important for a couple to discuss finances in a productive rather than blameful way. Try to follow these guidelines when discussing finances with your possible spouse to be: 

  • Make sure you’re completely open and honest with each other about your financial situation and goals
  • Discuss your expectations for how money will be managed in the marriage
  • Create a sample budget that outlines your shared expenses
  • Try to resolve any disagreements calmly and constructively by focusing on problem-solving rather than blaming 

Ultimately, it’s up to the couple to decide how they want to handle their finances, but it’s important to be on the same page from the start. 

You Know What You Want Out of Marriage

Everyone approaches marriage with different expectations and desires. 

For some, marriage is primarily about finding a lifelong partner with whom they can build a life and raise a family. For others, it may be more about companionship or simply having someone to share their life with. Some couples also see marriage as an opportunity to solidify their financial or social status. So how do you know what you want moving forward? 

Before popping the question, it’s essential to consider what you want and need in a relationship. Ask yourself: 

  • What do you need in a relationship? Do you need someone supportive and understanding? Or someone fun and spontaneous? 
  • What do you want in a relationship? Wants are more about the things that would make you happy. Maybe you want someone who loves to travel or someone passionate about their work. 

Couples must discuss their relationship expectations openly to ensure they are on the same page. Otherwise, they may find themselves facing disappointment and resentment down the road.

There is Trust in the Relationship 

Trust is essential in any relationship, whether it’s between friends, family, or romantic partners. Without trust, it’s challenging to feel safe and secure, and the relationship can quickly become strained. 

Trust requires that we be vulnerable with one another, opening up about our thoughts and feelings. It also means being honest, even when it’s not easy. When we trust someone, we are saying that we believe they have our best interests at heart and will not intentionally hurt us. 

Trust cannot be forced. It must be earned over time through mutual respect and understanding. But when it’s there, it can make even the hardest days more bearable because we know that we’re not facing life alone. 

It is possible to build trust, but if you have been with your current partner for a long time and still do not fully trust them, or they do not trust you, you should think twice before getting engaged
Half a man body

Be Honest with Yourself

If you can honestly answer yes to all five questions, you may be ready to get engaged. Remember, marriage is a big decision, so don’t rush into it if you’re not sure it’s right for you. Monica Tanner, CEO of Secrets of Happily Ever After, says, “Date for however long it takes to feel comfortable and you know that the relationship will be strong and happy moving forward.” In that same vien, more and more couples are staying engaged longer, found out why here! 

If you’ve decided you’re ready to get engaged, visit The Groom Club for ideas for the perfect proposal. Learn how to budget for your proposal and what to do if things go south

Explore all our tips and hacks for the groom and get excited for the adventure of marriage.

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