Date Night Jar Ideas to Try With Your Special Someone

By  Mac Molli
Updated on 11/20/23
Date Night Jar Ideas to Try With Your Special Someone

Date Night Jar Ideas to Try With Your Special Someone

By  Mac Molli
Updated on 11/20/23
Groom Hacks

Part of the Groom Hacks

Date Night Jar Ideas to Try With Your Special Someone

By  Mac Molli
Updated on 11/20/23

After being with your partner for a while, date night will either slow down or become nonexistent. Maybe you feel like you’ve tried everything together, perhaps things have been stressful lately, or perhaps you’re not inspired and hate coming up with new date night ideas.

Whatever the case, we’ve decided to create an entire list of simple (but sweet) ideas for a DIY date night jar, to spice up date night for you and your special someone, minimal effort required. So let’s get into it! 

How-To: DIY Date Night Jar

Date Night
The first thing you’ll need to make your DIY date night jar is to find a jar (duh!) and then collect a bunch of popsicle sticks. 

Once you get the supplies, write your date ideas on your popsicle sticks using a Sharpie. Write as many ideas as possible until you run out of ideas or room in your mason jar. That’s it! Now, when you’re looking for a unique date night idea, you can pull an idea from your DIY date night jar and get ready — no fuss and no over-thinking!

Ideas to Add to Your Date Night Jar

However, if you had endless date night ideas, you wouldn’t need a DIY date night jar, right? So what do you put inside your DIY date jar when you’re stumped for ideas?

Look no further! Here’s our list of favorite date night ideas to put in your date night jar

Host a Dollar Store Gift Exchange

Write down a list of categories (for example: “Our first date,” “favorite color,” “best memory together,” etc.) and then go shopping at the Dollar Store or Target for at least one gift inspired by each category. Once you’ve bought everything, go home and exchange your gifts! 


Recreate Your First Date 

You might not be able to go back in time, but recreating your and your special person’s first date can be a fun and unique trip down memory lane.
Date Night Jar Ideas

Cook a Romantic Candlelight Dinner

Dinners are nice, but if you live in the same space, a special date night dinner and just another Tuesday can start to blend together. Spice it up with candles, soft music, and maybe even fancy silverware and a tablecloth. Need some inspiration? Check out more romantic meal ideas in this blog.


Make a Late-Night Breakfast

How often do you have breakfast after 1 p.m.? If your answer is almost never, grab the waffle maker, play some funky music, put on your comfiest sweatpants, and cook up your favorite breakfast dishes!
Date Night Jar Ideas

Play a Board Game or a Sexy Dice Game

Pulling out Scrabble or Monopoly is a classic go-to, but if you want to spice it up, you can play card games like The Couples Game or Drunk In Love. Or, if you want something X-rated, you can try a sexy dice game like those found on Amazon or your local Adam & Eve shop. 


Watch a Trilogy Movie Marathon

Amp up the regular home movie night and plan a full movie marathon. If you have the time, you can do longer series like Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings. However, if you only want to be in front of the TV for the evening, go with a shorter series like Divergent or The Maze Runner. 


Try Making Your Own Ice Cream Sundae

You can pair sundae-making with a movie night or even make a competition to see who can make the best ice cream sundaes. The options are endless. 
Date Night Jar Ideas

Play Video Games 

Whether it’s a game you haven’t played in a while or a new game you bought together, playing a video game as a couple (even if you’re not a gamer) can be a fun way for you and your person to bring out your competitive and strategic sides. Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Boomerang Fu, and Portal 2 are our favorite two-player video games! 


Charcuterie Board-Building

Have a cheese night indoors by creating a charcuterie cheese board at home. You can even go beyond cheese and add cookies, wings, or even swap the cheese night for a fondue night if you prefer something a little hotter.


Watch Home Movies Together

If you’re married, pop some popcorn and watch your wedding video. Not married? Try old childhood home videos. Reminisce over old memories and trips, bring up old inside jokes, and spend your evening bonding.
Date Night Jar Ideas

Date Night Jar FAQs

How should I decorate my own date night jar

Decoupage, paint, and paper are common, easy options for decorating your jar. Our best recommendation is to make creating your jar a date night all on its own. Sit with your spouse and decorate the jar, and, when you’re all done, you can pick one of the date night options as a reward! 


How often should we have a date night

Most couples can only do a date night once a month due to busy schedules, while some couples enjoy date nights a few times a week. There’s no wrong answer. However, if you’re looking to rekindle a little passion in your relationship, consider going on a one-on-one date at least once a week. It also helps to plan the date nights in advance, so you and your person have something to look forward to together. 


What are some more X-rated options to add to the date night jar?

Roleplay. Give each other messages. Go to the strip club. Paint each other’s bodies. Watch erotic films together in skimpy lingerie. Take a bubble bath together. The options are endless! 


How much does it cost to make a date night jar

You can often find everything you need to make a date night jar already lying around the house. Don’t have popsicle sticks? You can use strips of paper. Don’t have a jar? You can use a small basket or a cup. Really want your jar to look its best? Get a fancy jar from the store and popsicle sticks. It’ll still be super cheap.

Spouse or Significant Other Not Interested?

If your spouse is on the fence about doing a date night jar, explain to them why you think it’s a good idea. This might even be an excellent opportunity to explain why you want to spend more time with your spouse. In most cases, they’ll be all for it once they see this as a fun way to spend time together.

What are You Waiting For? Better Date Nights Await!

Date night jars can be a very inexpensive way to bring you and your special someone together and elevate your bond. If your or your person’s love language is quality time, this is an even more perfect way to meet your/their needs. It’s also great for those who might be on a tight budget or who like being creative.

Need more? You can find more relationship recommendations and advice on TheGroomClub.

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